Duranged- An Evening of One-Act Plays by Christopher Durang
Please support my friend Raluca Nechita, and her acting company Spin Cycle by attending their night of one- act plays in English (with French sub-titles) by American playwright Christopher Durang.
June 3, 4, 11, & 12 @8pm
ABC Theatre
14 rue Thionville, 75019
CLICK HERE to buy tickets
Fete de la Musique 2022
Fete de la Musique, one of the biggest nights in music all year, is back in full force on its 40th anniversary with hundreds of music events happening all over the city.
Events include a concert with movie soundtracks at the Delacroix Museum, a Mid-Sommar concert at the Swedish Institute, and a chamber music concert in the garden of the Henner Museum.
Fete da la Musique- June 21
Romy Schneider
Romy Schneider was one of the brightest and most beautiful stars of French cinema in the 1960s and 70s, and Cinematheque Francaise is presenting a retrospective of her films and an exhibition about her life. Schneider appeared in over 60 films and worked with some of the top, international directors including Alain Cavalier, Claude Sautet, Luchino Visconti, Orson Welles, and Otto Preminger.
Until July 31, 2022
Cinematheque Francaise
51 rue de Bercy, 75012
Fugues in Color
Works by artists Sam Gilliam, Steven Parrino, and Niele Toroni are being presented by Fondation Louis Vuitton, alongside two installations created exclusively for Fondation Louis Vuitton, by Katharina Grosse and Megan Rooney.
Until August 29, 2022
Fondation Louis Vuitton
8, Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi Bois de Boulogne, 75116