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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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« October 2021 Eye Need To Do’s: Vincent Gagliostro, Thierry Mugler, Vogue Paris 1920-2020, Jean Michel Othoniel, and Space for Our Planet | Main | Autumn in Giverny- Part 1 »

October 04, 2021


Michelle N Fedder

I’ll take one! 📚

Melissa McKinley

Ah this sounds like a true embodiment of Paris, perfect for people planning trips to France or on the cusp and missing it. Thank you for briefly transporting us!

Rob Bertram

Looks like a great read

Mira Ford

Looking forward to reading about Paris in the 70´s.


Love, music, Paris! I can't wait to read Julie's book!

Cecilia Dishaw

I can’t wait to read this book! I was in Paris from 76-78 studying at the Sorbonne and then L’École Supérieure D’Arts Graphiques.
A very special and romantic time for me as well!! J’adore Paris!

Sherri Segall

I arrived in Paris for the first time on my 21st birthday just over fifty years ago, wanting to be in love but not ready to find it. Exploring the city was my exquisite reward.

Kathy Church

Sounds like a great read!

Martin Barros

First love? I remember it to well as the broken heart it left over 44 years ago....... It was only two years the last one at a distance but after all this time I wonder why she did what eventually, and abruptly, finished but all. Would like to read it!

Susan Emanuel

Paris is the Capital of Love!

Julie Boston

Always love a good Paris story!

James F Malone

Looking forward to reading it! Jim Malone

Julie Scolnik

These comments make me very happy! Thank you all! and Thank you Richard for connecting us!

Liz Sauter

Oh yes please I would love a copy

Kelly Kinsella

My first love was Jean Jacques in Paris when I was 19!,, would love to read

Barb Wright

I can't wait to read this! I am headed to Paris in 10 days for my 4th trip. My husband, on our first date told me he wanted to take me to Paris someday - we were there, for his first visit just before Covid. I look forward to reading this; the book and the author sound fabulous!

Irenka Jakubiak

Congratulations to the author on the publication of her book. It sounds delightful, I can’t wait to read it! And Richard, I love your blog, it’s wonderful. Wishing you all the best

Wini Moranville

We’ll it looks like I didn’t win. Amazon, here I come! I have to read this book..


i remember mine. bittersweet. books like this help sprinkle back most of the sweet.

Larry Segall

Paris Blue great movie with Paul Newman & Sidney Poitier love to win for our 46th anniversary Larry Segall, Trumbull, Ct

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