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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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March 24, 2014


pk housen

I fell in love in Paris many years ago with a Parisian and moved there. I stayed for 7 years! I lived on Rue Dauphine. I went to the Marche Buci for fresh produce, cheese and the flakiest croissants and warmest bread. We used to walk up the hill to Place Moufftard all the time, sit in a cafe and watch the world go by. I miss those days and think of them often. I'm always planning my next visit.....

Jean MacLeod

Lovely story! Janice is inspiring, talented and BRAVE.

Michele Kurlamder

Je suis jalouse.I love Paris and Mouffetard and the fairy tale of falling in love there.Thank you so much Richard for featuring this Cinderella story Perhaps you can introduce us when I spend the month of July on the corner of Mouffetard and Pot de Fer easing myself psychologically into the age of 70 ( or, rather, pretending I am no such thing).I would love to buy an autographed copy of Paris Letters and have a drink ( with both of you- we first met, you will recall, on my 65th birthday, 5 years ago) as always, I love waking in the morning to your column.

Barbara L

When you do what you love, the rest works out! Congrats! Beautiful letters and a great love story. Many years of happiness and success.

Mary Piltch

Hi Janice,
Your story is inspiring and truly yours is a dream come true! So happy that you found yourself in Paris and true love as well! C'est tres bien, non?

Susan Kaufman

Paris Letters by Janice Macleod:
What an opportunity to be interviewed by Richard Nahem and be published in Richard's Blog !!!
What a beautiful love story with your paintings ,Janice.


I read about Janice in Canadian Magazine, Chatelaine and cut out the page to remember to look up her blog and her shop. Lovely papers. Would love a copy of her book.

Vicki N.

What a totally delightful interview. It seems only natural that Janice, Carol, and you would find one another and collaborate to share your love and adventures, not to mention so many tips, while in Paris. Thank you for yet another way to stay in touch with our beloved City of Lights.


I seem to be the first to comment and I can't (SADLY) even compete for the book......... as I live nr Paris!!!! This is such a refreshing post and such a natural, lovely woman that I felt compelled to voice my happiness over this post!
As a Swiss woman living here I too struggle(d) with many specific French aspects of daily life but contrary to the many happy expats I live with a Swiss man here and therefore can't count on any French 'common knowledge' and I must have stood in about every possible pothole of French behaviour because nobody told me anything!


Janice is the perfect combination of luck and pluck plus the essential talent to make something of everything that crosses her path including any adorable butchers in eyesight. A fresh and refreshing point of view on Paris is hard to come by but Janice has a ton. I'd love to see what peep wrote in her yearbook.

Karen Donner

This is one of my most favorite interviews so far. It's a wonderful life story and Janice is a talented artist who has had the good fortune to end up making money off of what she loves to do, while living with her love:)

Connie Fredericks-Malone

Another fantastic story! Loved it. Jim and I were introduced to the warmth and charm of rue Mouffetard two years ago by friends in Paris. It is one of our favorite areas in Paris. Janice, thank you for sharing your sweet story. Wishing you and Christophe continued love and happiness.

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