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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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July 26, 2012



nice series. I like the first one the best.


What struck me immediately is the gold atop the obelisk. I don't remember it at all, and I've been in Place de la Concorde hundreds of times. I was wondering at first if it might be the light, but no, it's unquestionably gold.


Lovely Richard. Thank you !


Love the photo with the Eiffel Tower in the background, also the photo with the roses is very well done! Thanks for sharing Richard!


I think your photographer's eye has vastly improved! I choose the current pics.


Absolutely gorgeous, every single one of them. I adore your compositions. Thank you so much! You are filling my senses beyond words!

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