Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and for the last four years I have published this French Thanksgiving vocabulary list, courtesy of my former New York French teacher, Luc Georges.
I usually make Thanksgiving dinner but this year I am invited to a friend's and will celebrate with other ex=pats and Parisians.
Happy Thanksgiving and be thankful for what you have and for your family and friends. What are you thankful for this year?
French Thanksgiving Vocabulary
Thanksgiving le jour de l'action de grâce
autumn, fall l'automne
colony une colonie
feast un festin, un banquet
football le football américain
grateful (adj) reconnaissant
harvest la récolte
horn of plenty la corne d'abondance
native (adj) natif
(Native American) Indians les Indiens (d'Amérique)
November novembre
parade une parade
Pilgrims les pèlerins
settler un colonisateur
to share partager
Thursday jeudi
tradition une tradition
traditional (adj) traditionnel
treaty un pacte
tribe une tribu
The food served for the Thanksgiving feast varies from home to home, but here are some traditional dishes.
food la nourriture
corn le maïs
cranberries les canneberges
gravy la sauce au jus de viande
mashed potatoes la purée
pumpkin pie la tarte à la citrouille
stuffing la farce
sweet potatoes les patates douces
turkey la dinde
yam un igname
Eye Prefer Paris on Twitter
I just launched a fun new daily Twitter post- Paris Photo du Jour. Every day I will post a photo of Paris. Follow me on Twitter -
Eye Prefer Paris Photos for Sale
I am happy to announce the sale of prints of my Eye Prefer Paris Photos. I am offering 17 of my most popular and iconic images for sale including my courtyards, doors, architectural details, statues, and monuments. They will make great gifts for all your Francophile friends, relatives, and colleagues but don't forget to buy some for yourself.
Click here to see photos and for full details including sizes, prices, and shipping. Here is a sample of some of the photos.
New! Eye Prefer Paris Cooking Classes
I am happy to announce the launch of Eye Prefer Paris Cooking Classes. Come take an ethnic culinary journey with me and chef and caterer Charlotte Puckette, co-author of the bestseller The Ethnic Paris Cookbook (with Olivia Kiang-Snaije). First we will shop at a Paris green-market for the freshest ingredients and then return to Charlotte's professional kitchen near the Eiffel Tower to cook a three-course lunch. After, we will indulge in the delicious feast we prepared along with hand-selected wines.
Cost: 185 euros per person (about $240)
Time: 9:30AM- 2PM (approximately 4 1/2 hours)
Location: We will meet by a metro station close to the market
Class days: Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Minimum of 2 students, maximum 6 students.
Click here to sign up for the next class or for more info.
I am pleased as punch to announce the launch of Eye Prefer Paris Tours, which are 3-hour walking tours I will personally be leading. The Eye Prefer Paris Tour includes many of the places I have written about such as small museums & galleries, restaurants, cafes & food markets, secret addresses, fashion & home boutiques, parks, and much more.
Tours cost 195 euros for up to 3 people, and 65 euros for each additional person. I look forward to meeting you on my tours and it will be my pleasure and delight to show you my insiders Paris.
Check it out at
And Happy Thanksgiving to you, Richard! Bon appétit!
Posted by: Teresa | November 24, 2011 at 01:16 PM
Happy Thanksgiving....Love the blog today! Love you!
Posted by: Tracey Jackson | November 24, 2011 at 02:37 PM
Just some remarks regarding your translations:
Parade = un défilé
Treaty =un traité
Settlers = les colons
Posted by: Kristin | November 27, 2011 at 08:13 AM