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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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June 22, 2010


Jean P in MN

What a beautiful doorway and stone carvings. Imagine a carriage drawn up waiting to take them to the opera.


Your "Door of the Month" is so beautiful...looked sort of Art Deco combined with Art Nouveau, n'cest pas?


This is a real gem ... thanks for sharing so generously all these treasures you come across.


Richard, it’s just amazing how the iconography on these magnificent doors resemble so much of what I see in our historic funerary art…on mausoleums, monuments, etc. And as always, I love your blog! It’s the only that I view daily and enjoy daily!!

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