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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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November 23, 2009



please Richard, it's LES Tapisseries or la tapisserie!


let's say it's a new classic


Those French needlework designers do such elegant work. I loved learning about this pretty shop. If I every get a chance to go back to France I will certainly look it up.

Marie Morrison

This article is of interest because I am working on the Royal Paris version of the Cluny tapestries. I have acquired a completed canvas marked tapisserie main, carton 60. It is worked in gros and petit pointe with a horizontal 'wrap' type of stitch I have never seen before. Can anyone tell me what this is and how I can duplicate it? Merci beaucoup. MM

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