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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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April 22, 2009



Gorgeous photos. Wisteria is one of my favorites. It reminds me of my house growing up where my great grandmother had planted some wisteria around the base of a tree and after about 20 years it had overtaken the tree and was growing beautifully out of control.


Gorgesto photos.FYI wisteria is a vine (hard to believe) as opposed to a tree. April in Paris....yum!

sunflower bouquet

Wow i am speechless when i saw the photo in your blog.Its absolutely pretty.How i wish have that in my house.


nike air max

I don't know if you guys have seen this yet, but at Target, their brand of goldfish are chickadees! They are so cute and PERFECT for Spring. Anyway, I had to tell ya just in case you hadn't seen them yet! Happy Easter!

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