Une Mer de Verre Brise (a sea of broken glass) is a marvelous, striking installation by Italian artist Claudio Parmiggiani at Le College des Bernardins. The effect of the glass labyrinth with shards of broken glass on the floor against perfect symmetry of the soft pink stone columns and archways is stunning.
In another room next door Parmigianni has collected over 100 church bells and nestled them side by side and stacked on top of one another. Even though I had no knowledge of where and the bells were from, the subtle rich shades of green and the embossed figures and leaves made me feel a sense of history about them.
Les College des Bernardins was started as a monastery in 1245 by Pope Innocent IV to encourage the study of theology, philosophy , and literature. The church was built in 1248 and eventually became a prison, warehouse, school, fire station, and a police school. It was sold to the Paris Diocese in 2001. Restoration was started in 2004 and completed in September 2008 in time for the Pope's visit. It is now a cultural center featuring exhibits, concerts, films, and other events including debates, seminars, and conferences.
Le College des Bernardins
Till January 31
20 rue de Poissy, 5th arr.
Metro: Maubert-Mutualite
Monday- Saturday 10AM-6PM
Sunday 2PM-6PM
Free admission

I am pleased as punch to announce the launch of Eye Prefer Paris Tours, which are 3-hour walking tours I will personally be leading. The Eye Prefer Paris Tour includes many of the places I have written about such as small museums & galleries, restaurants, cafes & food markets, secret addresses, fashion & home boutiques, parks, and much more.
I look forward to meeting you on my tours and it will be my pleasure and delight to show you my insiders Paris.
Check it out at www.eyepreferparistours.com