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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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June 30, 2008



The two biggest cities near High Point are Winston-Salem and Greensboro. Perhaps papers in those cities would be interested? It's a charming story and your blog is always a great way to start my day. Cheers, Sara

Mary Rose

Um... so.. Yeah.... I'm 14. well and a half. But you said that our girl scout troop was from 15-21 but me and stepf were still 14 at the time we saw you. Steph's b-day was on Friday so she's 15 now. But anyway, Your story was awesome!! You are a very good writer. I say you should write for a magazine or news paper and then put your story about us in it. That would be cool. So anyway... LOVE YA!

<3 MR


glad you like the story. Catherine told me you were all between 15 & 20, so sorry about that. but I'm sure you would rather be 15. Love to ya too, M.R.
big kiss form Paris


Pity those who have never seen Paris with Richard -- they've never REALLY seen Paris. Much more than offering tours, Richard introduces the places he loves best to people who quickly become friends. No one fortunate enough to have shared his passion for Paris will every think of the city in the same way again.
Tomi Kushner -Paris & San Francisco

Bonnie Dixon

I am Kara's mom, and i just wanted to say thank you so much for taking such good care of our girls! They had a wonderful time, and i've heard so much about you i feel like i know you! If i ever get to come to Paris, i'll be sure to see it with you. Thanks again!


sounds like you had a great experience. who knew, richard, that you could fall in love with so many women, and all in one day!!!


Bon Jour Richard,

I just needed to write and tell you how much I look forward to your daily emails. I made my first (but not my last) visit to Paris last year and I fell madly in love! It is truly the most beautiful city in the world! Can't wait to return and book a tour with you. Thank you for my tiny, daily taste of Paris.

Au Revoir,

Paula Burnett

kate & leah

that cookie monster picture is too good. its going on our collective walls at home.

Kara Dixon

Hey it's Kara! The story is great and you were right Richard, I definitely miss Paris! Not to mention the jet-lag, but High Point is just not as exciting. I hope you have enjoyed your cookies and hopefully we will get to see you soon!! Thanks for everything you did for us!!
Love, Kara

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