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  • Eye Prefer Paris is an ex-New Yorker's insider's guide to Paris. Richard Nahem writes his blog from his fabulous 18th century apartment in the fashionable Marais district of Paris

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July 19, 2007



It's always been a dream of mine to live on a peniche -- for a while. So thanks for this post, Richard! A good book to read on the subject is "The Secret Life of the Seine" by Mort Rosenblum, who lives (or used to) on a houseboat on the Seine.


I've spent a total of about a month floating around the middle of France, cruising through backyards and eating in the middle of forests and hanging out with cows aboard two peniches. One, a tour boat, owned by friends (now divorced), was as well equipt as the one you visited. The other began as a boat built for two, then twins came, and after a certain amount of time, it became too dangers as the toddlers became mobile. But we had a fantastic time, ambling about and staking in for the night, eating great local food and drinking wines right out of the cask. Best way to see France.

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