Lately, I’ve been bonding with my Paris bloggers community. So much so, that I am hosting a Paris bloggers cocktail party at my apartment this Friday with Laurie Pike, editor extraordinaire, of The Paris Blog.It will be interesting to meet the faces and bodies behind the voices of the other Paris blogs.
One of the other ways that I’ve been connecting with the Paris blogging community is doing an article exchange with some of them.
My first one is with one of my favorite blogs, Rue Rude, a witty and intelligent blog about everyday life in Paris, written by Sedulia Scott. Even though our blogs are very different, I came up with a topic that would give us common ground: the experience of living in our neighborhoods.
Enjoy and please logon on to to read my article.
Class War in Paris
My Paris is very different from Richard’s. He lives in my favorite part of the city, the Marais, an area full of beautiful old stone buildings with interior courtyards and gardens. On the other side of Place de la Bastille were the hoi polloi of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, which is still an artisans’ area, so the fortress of the Bastille was built to protect the aristos of the Marais. Like so many tourists, I was disappointed when I came to Paris and discovered that the fortress was torn down long ago.
I live in the sixteenth arrondissement, which is a byword among French speakers worldwide for stuck-up, coincé, rich, boring, ladies in fur coats, and businessmen with skinny shoulders going to their glass offices in pinstriped suits and loden coats.