My friend, the charming, very handsome Rene Talmon L’Armee (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist-he’s gorgeous!), is something rare these days:
A true artisan who makes fine jewelry by hand on the premises of his own shop, right in front of you.
I went to visit him the other day at his shop on 3 rue Cunin de Gridaine, in the upcoming by still fringe Arts et Metiers neighborhood. He was hard at work behind his blowtorch but generously took the time to talk to me about his designs. Originally from Berlin, he opened his shop 6 years ago, which ironically was a jewelry factory before. The dark, industrial interior with the original wooden drawers beat up brown leather club chairs, and handsome dark wood vitrine with large black metal handles is the perfect atmosphere for the innovative, rugged but finely crafted jewelry.
He designs for men and women and crafts his jewelry in silver, 18K gold, diamonds, black Tahitian pearls, and white coral. He says his favorite work is to make commissioned pieces and one of kind originals for private clients. Some of the best pieces in the new collection are the pistol pendants in gold and silver, chain bracelets with a silver feather in the center, twig like white coral necklaces and the polished metal thick link bracelets. Prices are reasonable, starting at about 80 euros for rings and many of my favorite pieces were priced below 200 Euros.
If you’re looking for the “I love that/must have it/ where did you get that” jewelry your friends will envy, Rene Talon L’Armee is the place to buy it.
Rene Talmon L’Armee
3 rue Cunin de Girdaine
Tel 01 48 87 17 12
Open 11AM-7PM Mon-Sat.
Metro: Arts et Métiers
Directions from metro:
Look for Arts et Métiers café and walk behind it one block
(in back of the church)

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Posted by: lyndon baylin jr | November 22, 2006 at 08:54 AM
i won't be able to come to paris for the next couple of months but would love to buy a certain piece by Rene talmon l'armee. is there any possibility to buy something online?
Posted by: daniel | December 07, 2006 at 11:43 AM
Paris is one of the best city to shop for jewelry! Thats for sure!
Especially if it's something that special.
Posted by: Jewelry Expert, Amanda from All Women's Talk | March 27, 2007 at 10:59 PM
RTA is availble at Shimji in the Haut Marais area !
Great collection
Posted by: Haut Marais | January 06, 2008 at 08:07 PM
That's very interesting! These days it's hard to come by someone who does handmade jewelries. I salute this guy. Nice work!
Posted by: UK Jewellery Shops | November 20, 2008 at 02:54 PM
Your blog so informative and I like all topics dissections provided lots of information to us!!!
Posted by: online jewelry stores | February 02, 2009 at 05:45 PM
It looks like the guy has a really nice workshop out there. I have a good friend who's a designer and he works from a 1mx1m cubicle :)
Posted by: Christian Silver Jewelry | April 27, 2009 at 04:45 PM
Very nice jewelery collection.I like all the jeweleries that u have posted..Thanks!!!
Posted by: Diamond Buyers | May 01, 2009 at 08:25 AM
No, thank that jeweleries looks to "pimp" for me.
Posted by: Knee ACL | October 16, 2009 at 09:33 PM
Amazing jewelry, thanks for the information.
Posted by: Eye Care | November 17, 2009 at 05:14 PM
Good post. I like to read about jewelry masters and to see their works. I think Rene Talmon is very talented person.
Posted by: Vintage Jewelry | November 21, 2009 at 12:44 AM
Nice chines. Its is really cool and trendy. I like it.
Posted by: silver bracelet | November 30, 2009 at 09:23 AM
Rene Talmon L'Armee really you are the great person i want to meet for the choose latest jewelery neck-less design. Posted in your wall all the neck-less design are really wonderful.
Posted by: Coin Jewelry | March 09, 2011 at 08:35 PM